Garage Door Contractor Application Process

Here at Top Garage Door Contractor, we provide Garge Door Contractors with all the work they can handle in the most cost-effective way possible.  

We are currently offering $135 in FREE lead credit for all Contractors who apply to join our team of local Contractors and emergency contractors. 


First, you complete the application form below, and you will receive login details to our lead system. 

You then log into the system (aided by the help videos) and set up your lead requirements and the locations you are willing to work. 

After this is complete, you need to text (866) 436-6791, confirming your business name and email address. We will add $135 in FREE lead credit to your system for you. 

We will also check your system setup for you to make sure everything is correct. 

This FREE credit is enough to guarantee you contact with a minimum of 3 new customers who are looking for garage door services near you. 

We only ask for one small thing in return. If you make money from the free leads that we give you, then you spend some of that money on additional lead credits inside your system.  

We look forward to working with you closely and helping you to succeed as a garage door service company in your area.  

Please complete the application form below to start the process and receive your first $135 in lead credits today.